
The Jetpack Controller class inherits from ControllerBase and is registered with the Application upon server start.



from facture.controller import ControllerBase

class Controller(ControllerBase):
    async def on_ready(self):
        self.log.debug(f'Controller ready at path: {self.pkg.path}')

    async def on_request(self, request):
        self.log.debug(f'Request received: {request}')


Continue reading about Routing to see how handlers can be added.


Routing is implemented using one or more handlers decorated with a @route. Used without the @input_load decorator, the entire request object is passed to the handler.



from sanic.response import HTTPResponse
from facture.controller import ControllerBase, route

class Controller(ControllerBase):
    async def on_request(self, request):
        self.log.debug(f'Request received: {request}')

    @route('/<name>', 'GET'):
    async def greet(self, request, name):
        return HTTPResponse({'msg': f'hello {name} from {request.ip}')


Continue reading about Transformation to see how request/response data can be manipulated.


Request and response transformation is performed when a request reaches @input_load, and upon handler return in @output_dump. These two decorators provides a declarative way of defining what comes in and what goes out of a route handler.


Example of request/response transformation

from facture.controller import ControllerBase, route
from facture.schema import ParamsSchema
from .visit import svc_visit
from .visit.schemas import Visit

class Controller(ControllerBase):
    async def on_request(self, request):
        self.log.debug(f'Request received: {request}')

    @route('/', 'GET')
    @input_load(query=ParamsSchema)  # Transform and validate the query string
    @output_dump(Visit, many=True)  # Dump many `Visit`s
    async def visits_get(self, query):
        # Call the service layer and dump the result as a JSON string
        return await svc_visit.get_many(**query)

    @route('/<visit_id>', 'PUT')  # Perform an update operation
    @input_load(body=Visit)  # Transform and validate the JSON payload
    @output_dump(Visit)  # Dump one `Visit`
    async def visit_update(self, remote_addr, body, visit_id):
        # Call the service layer and dump the result as a JSON string
        return await svc_visit.visit_update(remote_addr, visit_id, body)


Schemas are used in transformation decorators to perform object serialization and generating HTTP API documentation.


from facture.schema import fields, Schema

class Visit(Schema):
    id = fields.Integer()
    visited_on = fields.String(attribute='created_on')
    message = fields.String()
    name = fields.String()

    class Meta:
        dump_only = ['id', 'visited_on']
        load_only = ['visit_id', 'visitor_id']

class VisitNew(Schema):
    message = fields.String(required=True)
    name = fields.String(required=True)

See also

Check out the Marshmallow API docs for more info on how to work with schemas.